Sunday 5 October 2014

Semester One

I don't know about you, but my week has been pretty busy! University started this week, and already the revision's been piling.. So far all my lectures have been pretty good, but I'm particularly loving the Medical Biosciences module and the Membranes one, too (have an awesome lecturer for the latter!)

It's been a bit difficult maintaining university with the schedule I had during the holidays (work, volunteering, and e-mentoring) but I've gotten into the swing of using my planner to the absolute maximum. So far, it's been awesome! I can just dump everything onto paper and not worry about it at all. I'll admit I've also been on a bit of a staitonery rampage in the form of washi tapes, stickers etc. just to brighten up my pages however I do think it's working!

Oh and for my Muslim readers, I'd like to wish you all a happy Eid, so Eid Mubarak! May all your prayers be answered, wherever you are in the world. Our house is filled with the smell of food at the moment and it's divine!

How's your week been? 
Lots of love!